I started the 100-day code challenge: Here is the review of the first week.
How it all got started
If you’re someone who wants to learn coding, then the #100DaysofCode challenge is for you.
That’s what someone told me.
But why?
There are some good reasons to do the #100DaysofCode.
However, the one I received was
“Anyone can be on the path to become a software engineer with this challenge.”
And I was sold.
So on April 1st (technically Aprils Fool's day),
I put myself for the challenge and here is the first week review for the challenge
But before we start, here are the goals that I want to achieve through this challenge.
1—Code every single day for a straight 100 days.
2—Learn and understand how to think like a software engineer, not a programmer.
3—Complete the frontend path and find a intern.
What have I learned?
Throughout the week, I learned some of the foundations for coding.
The resources that I’m using to learn the coding for becoming a software engineer
Day: 1 of #100DaysofCode
Started with the HTML and CSS foundation course from Scrimba
I learned HTML, started with CSS and then quickly find myself in building my first project.
The Google search engine homepage
So what have I learned?
- CSS syntax
- Inline VS block
- Margin
- Padding
- Borders
- Divs
- Classes
- Centering
It was good day and I learned alot lot how to think like software engineer.
The thing is, most of the engineers out there google more to solve the problem, and that is one lesson I learned here.
Day: 2 of #100DaysofCode
I deployed the Google search engine project through Netlify.
The things that I learned are
- learned the Flexbox model, margins, padding, and borders.
- deployed front-end clone of the Google search engine homepage
- also understood the importance of DIV class
Day: 3 of #100DaysofCode
While I learned to code and followed the steps deploy the website, I found myself thinking that I should learn Netfily.
So what exactly is Netfily?
Netlify is the essential platform for the delivery of exceptional and dynamic web experiences, without limitations.
So what have I learned?
- learned how to use Netfily
- I learned how to use different types of file path in the HTML
- understood the concept of the alt text
Day: 4 of #100DaysofCode
On Day 4, I started getting comfortable with HTML and CSS and was moving forward to build my second project.
I completed scrimba digital business card project.
which made me learn quite a few important things of HTML and CSS
- image alt texts
- flex child containers
- inheritance
- shorthands
- web-safe fonts
- color palettes
Day: 5 of #100DaysofCode
On Day 5, I started learning and understanding the concept of the Flexbox.
And that helped to complete the Space Exploration project.
What did I learn?
- background images
- webp format
- Google fonts
- the <span> tag
- IDs & utility tags
- text shadows
Day: 6 of #100DaysofCode
On Day 6, I completed the HTML and CSS course foundations, and that marked six days of continuous learning to complete the challenge of 100 days of coding and becoming a software engineer.
See you next Week.